Movies Talk Archive December 01 2015 to December 31 2015


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31 Dec 2015 18:46:22
A very happy new year everyone 🎊🎊

{Ed001's Note - happy new year to you and everyone else who visits the site.}



30 Dec 2015 08:29:10
Just made the massive mistake of watching Transporter: Refueled. I can't even begin to describe just how utter Danny Dyer it is! There is not one redeeming feature to the entire movie. It is one of the worst pieces of tripe I have seen. Appallingly bad acting added to terrible driving sequences plus embarrassing attempts at martial arts does not make a good film. I thought Transporter 2 was the low point for the series but this made that look a work of genius!

30 Dec 2015 08:52:01
I haven't had the pleasure of watching that particular disgrace yet😉

{Ed001's Note - don't bother mate, do yourself a favour, paint a wall and watch it dry, far more entertaining.}

30 Dec 2015 11:58:56
Cheers ed a bullet dodged.

{Ed001's Note - very much so.}

30 Dec 2015 17:06:00
When I first read that I thought it had Danny dyer in it!!! Now that would be bad casting from Statham to dyer.

{Ed001's Note - the guy in it is dire like Dyer to be fair.}

30 Dec 2015 17:20:56
I think I've only ever seen one Danny dyer film. Was a late night offering on one of the backwater itv channels. War film with Sean bean and a cute polish girl. It actually wasn't that bad. Solid 6/10 but predictable.

{Ed001's Note - I have to admit having seen a few and none were good.}

30 Dec 2015 17:31:41
I wouldn't have intentionally sat down to watch it but late at night on the weekend, Sean bean, interesting premise as one character was ian Fleming. Thought i'd give it a bash.

30 Dec 2015 23:28:05
I've seen that film, Mort1 and I was surprised by it as well. A quick Google search and it was called Age of Heroes, based on the true story about Ian Fleming putting together a commando unit during WW2. Like you it was a late at night shot but from memory it's well worth a watch.

30 Dec 2015 23:52:46
Yeah ed7 it was pretty decent. Decent late night stuff. The training sergeant was pretty decent from what I remember. And even Danny I wanna be a cockney geezer dyer wasn't that bad considering his reputation

{Ed007's Note - If I remember right he didn't have that big a role. I might check it out again in fact :)

30 Dec 2015 22:35:04
I think I know ed1s dream film now. A rom com with Danny dyer, christian bale and Colin firth as a trio of martial artists. I'm just stuck on casting the women. Maybe Keira Knightley

{Ed001's Note - sounds ideal to me.}

31 Dec 2015 11:39:22
I think being around other people who can act pushed him into the background a bit. i'd go as far as to say i'd watch it again.

{Ed001's Note - high praise for a film with the Dyer one in it.}

31 Dec 2015 12:56:49
He wasn't that bad ed. I do like a decent commando story. And the bean is always reliable.

{Ed001's Note - I do not like Bean personally, he is the same in every film. One of those who has to have the character fitted around him, rather than he fits himself to the character. If I remember correctly, the film you mention took a lot of criticism for being historically inaccurate, which is something I hate, being very interested in military history. Films like Battle of the Bulge just set my teeth on edge, so not sure I want to give this one a go.}

31 Dec 2015 13:09:36
Well bean does know how to die well he's had plenty of practice.

Its a made up story based on a unit that's still shrouded in secrecy. Literally the available information on 30 assault unit would fill a stamp.

Having watched the film it seems like the writer took operation biting and moved it from France to Norway and threw in bits of operation grouse.

If your looking for total historical accuracy from a film ed then your going to be disappointed. Even the best war films tweak details. But if your looking for something entertaining to fill 90 minutes you could do much worse.

{Ed001's Note - there is quite a bit of information on that unit, it is just that it is all hearsay. I will probably give it a miss though, it does not sound like my type of thing at all. I would prefer them to be honest and just say they have made it up, than pretend to base it on something real.}

31 Dec 2015 13:30:23
Well hearsay doesn't really count.

As I said, the writers took operation biting, the para raid commanded by John Frost of Arnhem fame on the radar at bruneval and moved it to Norway and threw in the conditions the Norwegian commandoes on operation grouse endured before the norsk hydro raid. So its a mishmash of two real life operations.

As entertainment late at night it did its job. Which is something more than transporter refueled or whatever its called sounds like it could do.

{Ed001's Note - very true.}

31 Dec 2015 14:00:47
Don't suppose your into crime films at all ed?

{Ed001's Note - depends, I don't mind some, if they are just gangster stuff glorifying gangsters, then no, I have no interest in that. I don't mind some stuff that is crime related though.}

31 Dec 2015 14:26:12
No more in terms of detection. What sort of crime stuff do you like?

{Ed001's Note - Sherlock Holmes is one of my favourite characters of all time. So anything with him in it I will watch.}

01 Jan 2016 11:52:13
Unless the role of Sherlock is played by a Mr. D Dyer?

So what is it about Sherlock?

{Ed001's Note - I just love the character, the intellect.}



29 Dec 2015 17:41:16
Was I the only one who cringed reading Russell Crowe's whines about the hoverboard ban on flights? It just read like a 'do you know who I am?' rant, and those always just make me feel sorry for the celeb in question. It just shows how spoilt they are.

29 Dec 2015 18:20:09
The blokes a good actor but I can't stand him I have missed most of his recent films (with the exception of noah which I wished I missed) just because he seems like a total tool I also feel the same about Christian bale.

{Ed001's Note - is Crowe still a good actor? He was at one time, but the acclaim around the time of Gladiator seemed to go to his head and he is just doing the same role every time now. Is Bale a bit of a tool then? I don't know anything about him, apart from his ability to play a block of wood to levels that rival Keanu 'Walking Plank' Reeves.}

29 Dec 2015 18:45:52
Bale makes crowe seem like cliff Richard! He has been done for hitting his assistant the stories of people not being allowed to wear certain colours in his presence stuff like that.
As far as crowe goes the only thing of his I have watched recently was noah and excuse my French but it was a steaming turd of a movie .

{Ed001's Note - not sure I would hold up Cliff as a good guy personally! Isn't he one of the Yewtree suspects? I have not bothered with Noah, it looked rubbish and I am pretty sure it had Ray Winston in it, which is never a good sign.}

29 Dec 2015 20:11:39
Hahahahahaha isn't giving cliff pelters at Christmas a mortal sin ?😃
And with you on Winstone ☺

{Ed001's Note - I think it is encouraged these days.}

29 Dec 2015 21:43:10
Wasn't there an incident in a hotel once as well?

{Ed001's Note - are you talking about Cliff, Bale or Winston? Or have I completely lost the thread of the convo and it is none of the above?}

30 Dec 2015 11:10:53
Crowe threw a phone at a hotel desk clerk

{Ed007's Note - Off the top of my head I remember something about Bale getting arrested for attacking his mum and sister in a hotel.}

30 Dec 2015 11:23:44
There was one with Crowe. I think there was one with bale. Not sure on cliff.

That's the one bond. Cheers.

{Ed007's Note - I think his family expected him just to bankroll them without limit and he wasn't having it. I mean you'd always buy your mam a house and make sure she's taken good care of but would you bankroll her and your sister's Posh Spice level lifestyle? I know I wouldn't.}

30 Dec 2015 11:33:21
he did 007. I think we need to accept Bale and Crowe are not nice people. It's harder to hate crow because when giving interviews he's very funny,I do often enjoy his guest appearances on shows like Graham Norton etc,but the guy is a plank away from the camera.

{Ed007's Note - I think the important question here is what the Hell are you doing watching Graham Norton?}

30 Dec 2015 15:50:36
Please Don't judge me,it's my guilty pleasure

30 Dec 2015 16:50:10
Bonds just sore because he's missing out.

{Ed001's Note - he never misses Norton.}

30 Dec 2015 17:06:48
No I guess he wouldn't. Appreciates the manliness.

{Ed001's Note - he aspires to one day be as masculine as Norton.}

29 Dec 2015 16:45:22
Hi there yesterday went to see the heart of the sea the moby dick story in a special showing I won on a radio show. It's fantastic well worth a visit the cgi is amazing and it's a gripping roller coaster of a movie. It has a little bit of the Jaws story to it but sticks to the Melville book very well.

29 Dec 2015 06:54:10
Just seen No Escape, shocking to see a decent film with Owen Wilson in it as a leading man. Basically he goes over to Asia with his family to work, just as the country he gets a job in erupts into civil war. Surprisingly good, with some interesting points to make about how the problems are being caused by the West's treatment of local peoples.

29 Dec 2015 06:51:53
Christopher Nolan is busy working on a war film right now called Dunkirk. Been a long time since there was a decent war film, hopefully this will change that.

29 Dec 2015 10:15:29
Just checked on imdb ed and the cast apparently includes tom hardy, mark rylance and ken branagh. Fairly impressive.

{Ed001's Note - that's possibles mate, it is not finalised.}

29 Dec 2015 10:34:29
Tom hardy must like it if he's a possible.

I wonder if it'll mention what happened to the rearguard, when the ss massacred the prisoners from the Norfolk's and Warwick's.

{Ed001's Note - Tom Hardy likes Nolan, so he would do it for that. No idea what it will cover, but I am interested in seeing it.}

29 Dec 2015 10:57:59
Not to sink the original thread but imagine the dark knight trilogy with hardy as batman.

I'm interested in seeing it too. As I've said on here before there's been a trend of neglecting the war in this country as opposed to other countries like America.

{Ed001's Note - I have said that myself, it would turn a great trilogy into a contender for the best ever. It is good that it has not been turned into a way to back up their plans for world domination like it has in the US. I am hopeful that Nolan will remind people that war is hell and should not be entered into lightly.}

29 Dec 2015 13:22:32
Of course. Its a nasty business. I just think that the generation that went through it is these days neglected. I remember when band of brothers came out and guys I knew watched it and were a bit shocked at the realistic depiction but also moaned about the lack of British heroes. To which I countered they exist they just aren't mentioned.

I agree though. It should be commemorated in a respectful manner that highlights the realism, the horror and tragedy and that it should never happen again. But does honour to the memory of the people that went through it.

I was in hospital a few years ago and the old guy opposite, when he was lucid, was full of stories from Burma. He didn't glory it up but it made me appreciate what the guy had gone through. Poor bloke was neglected, no visitors only the nurses. Terrible shame.

28 Dec 2015 06:37:46
Just watched the latest of the Fantastic Four films, yet another reboot, but this time the worst yet. Truly awful film, which was completely pointless. Do we really need to see how they became superheroes yet again? Why not just tease the origins for once? Crap actors, crap direction, weak story, lame effects, just a blot on the landscape of current superhero films this one. I recommend avoiding it.

By the way, did I miss Stan Lee's cameo in it? Or was this the one he was unable to do? Or perhaps even he was too embarrassed to be involved?

28 Dec 2015 09:54:54
I think the rights to the fantastic four were held by another studio so no stan lee. And they had to make a film or sell the rights. So they made that. And I think since it flopped marvel bought the rights back.

29 Dec 2015 06:49:22
Cheers mate, I know it was a different studio, like Spiderman, but I didn't realise that affected him doing a cameo.

29 Dec 2015 09:10:20
Stan Lee refused to do the cameo.

29 Dec 2015 10:07:39
He probably realised it was a load of crap.

28 Dec 2015 04:59:41
I have been looking through lists of films to look forward to next year, and the main thing that stands out is how many are sequels/reboots or spin offs, rather than involving anything original. Having said that, for every Zoolander 2 (yawn at the very thought of a sequel to that tedious rubbish) there is a Bourne 5 that I do like the look of. So I thought I would do my own list.

It should be the role Ryan Reynolds was born to play. He has the physique and the deadpan wisecracks to be perfect for this role. Having seen the trailers (see below), I am really excited about this film.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
I am not sure about Ben Affleck as Batman, though Christian Bale is a worse actor and he made it work, but the idea of Jesse Eisenberg, who is one of the single weakest actors I have ever seen, playing Lex Luthor is cringeworthy. I am still intrigued by it though, I want to see if it works, even if it seems ridiculous to even contemplate the point of a human being against an indestructible yawn-fest all-American Superman. I just hope the trailer has not ruined it by basically giving away the whole film.

Captain America: Civil War.
Yet another superhero movie, but I am hoping this one will build on what was started with Winter Soldier, rather than the initial Cap film. Other things to look forward to about this, Martin Freeman as a Marvel character (though I still do not know who he is playing), a non-Sony Spiderman (at long last, as he was sadly lacking in the Avengers films), and the idea of Captain America facing off against Iron Man. I just hope they do not get too carried away with just shoehorning lots of characters in and limit Ant-Man to as small a role as possible.

Finding Dory
I remember when the original came out and I took my daughter to see it at the cinema, she was absolutely glued to it. Only problem was she was just coming out of nappies at the time and was sat on my lap and wet right through, so I was sat in soggy jeans throughout the rest of the film and until I got home. It was bitterly cold, but she was ok as I had a change of clothes for her! I just remember the look on her face, as she was so engrossed in it and loved every second. This film will probably not be as good, but it will remind me of a good day with her, so I am looking forward to it just for that.

Bourne 5
Good to see Matt Damon back, the Bourne series was much better with him in the role, Jeremy Renner's attempt in the spin off was lacklustre at best. I am just hoping for a return to the quality of the original.

Suicide Squad
Yeah, yeah, I know, yet another comic book adaptation, but this one does look good, and it will be good to see how The Joker is dealt with, after Heath Ledger set an almost impossibly high bar with his performance as him. Baddies teaming up to take on an even more evil baddie seems like a good story, most of the best buddy movies have had a similar premise, as baddies tend to be more interesting as characters. Just please go down the Dark Knight trilogy style, rather than the Arrow style that DC Comics have employed. This needs to be dark and brutal, with decent fight scenes rather than the lame, frankly embarrassing, fight scenes on Arrow.

Doctor Strange
I am not sure how this one will work, he was never one of the main characters in the Marvel universe from my memories of schoolboy comic reading, but he was intriguing. More to the point, Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) in the Marvel universe? It could be gold. Equally it could be appalling. Only one way to find out!

Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them
A spin off from the Harry Potter series, which is something my daughter loves. If nothing else, the fact my daughter is excited is enough to make me look forward to it. It will be interesting to see how JK Rowling's wizarding world differs in America, to the very British one she has always portrayed up until now.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
This is the one I am particularly looking forward to, I love Star Wars, even if the latest one was just a reboot of the originals in all but name, but add one of my dream women (Felicity Jones) and one of my favourite actors (Donnie Yen) into the mix, and I am hyped, I admit it. I really, really, really want to see Yen as a lightsaber wielding Jedi master, please!!

Assassin's Creed
I was never really a big fan of the games, but one thing they do have is a good storyline. If they can recreate the feel of them, this could be an outstanding film. Unfortunately games made into films are not usually any good, so this one is a film I am also not looking forward to at the same time as looking forward to it.

27 Dec 2015 18:47:06
For anybody who enjoyed the rocky franchise I suggest you watch creed it's superb.

27 Dec 2015 21:29:10
How's the young guy get on playing creed?

28 Dec 2015 04:10:42
Is Bellew any good? I was going to go and see it when I got a chance but it finished showing round here before I did.

28 Dec 2015 14:43:20
Michael b Jordan is superb as apollo s son and Tony bellew was really very good. The fighting sequences are excellent and really capture the feel of the old films which gives the movie a real feelgood vibe.
Couple of good cameos too for the boxing fans.
Up until I saw this my fave film of the year was straight Outta Compton but this has just nudged it of the top. Great film.

29 Dec 2015 06:48:21
I really enjoyed Straight Out Of Compton, so if it is better than that I will look forward to seeing it.

27 Dec 2015 11:13:05
A good film at a slower pace with a couple of twists is tom hardy's the drop. Very much a slow burner.

{Ed001's Note - what is it about?}

27 Dec 2015 12:03:04
Its about a bar in new York ran by tom hardy and his cousin tony soprano that gets used as a collection point for the days takings by the mafia. But someone robs it.

{Ed001's Note - ah ok, never heard of it but I will take a look for it.}

27 Dec 2015 12:39:39
Think it was one of those lower budget under the radar films. Surprising considering the cast of tom hardy, gandolfini in his last film and noomi rapace.

{Ed001's Note - Hardy takes films he likes, rather than those which are likely to be blockbusters.}

27 Dec 2015 12:49:16
Good on him. I think if you like a slower pace where it builds up the plot you'll like it.

{Ed001's Note - I will give it a look if I can find it to watch. I normally tend to watch anything with him in it anyway, like Denzel, you might not like the film, but at least you can be sure it will be well acted.}

27 Dec 2015 13:01:04
If its got good well drawn characters with a good script and the plot makes sense then ill watch it. Denzel does some good films.

{Ed001's Note - always been one of my favourite actors.}

27 Dec 2015 16:10:58
I bet he's in your top 3 with Danny dyer and Colin firth.

{Ed001's Note - I am not sure who Colin Firth is to be honest. I am pretty sure everyone has a similar opinion of Dyer though. You always have that same feeling when you realise he is in the film you have just started watching. That sinking feeling that hits you, as you realise Danny Dyer is in it.

It is bizarre he has made a living out of being such a crap actor. I mean anyone can swear a lot, so why has he made an entire career out of obscenities?}

27 Dec 2015 16:25:23
Yep its not even funny. Now Joe pesci does it well.

{Ed001's Note - I thought it was just me who didn't like Pesci.}

27 Dec 2015 21:38:20
It worked in goodfellas as it fit the character. But just comes across as a one dimensional stich most of the time.

{Ed001's Note - I really can't remember Goodfellas, it has been a long time since I saw it, but I can understand what you mean. It is the same with Ryan Reynolds and his wisecracking, it works well in some films, others it is ridiculous. Back to bad casting!}

28 Dec 2015 10:04:26
He's good at portraying angry small guy. Which in goodfellas was the character.

To be honest the only film I can remember Ryan Reynolds in is blade 3. And I thought he was funny, with some of his quips but it seemed out of place and changed the tone of the film.

I think its a combination of bad writing and bad casting. If its well written a good actor will do well. If its badly written a good actor will still get something from it. If its written well but poorly cast it usually ends up as a could have been film where you recognise the potential was screwed by casting flaws. But if both bad writing and bad casting combine. Well its a train wreck.

{Ed001's Note - sadly most films tend to be the end one!}

29 Dec 2015 10:08:27
You know Colin firth ed he's in kingsman.

{Ed001's Note - oh right, I know who you mean now. I never knew his name nor really noticed him as an actor. Not sure what he has been in really.}

29 Dec 2015 10:35:56
Bridget jones, love actually, mamma Mia, kings speech. Won an Oscar for the last one. King of the chick flick.

{Ed001's Note - yeah exactly, a list of films I have never seen....}

29 Dec 2015 10:49:28
You don't know how lucky you are.

{Ed001's Note - I am sure you love a chick flick really.}

30 Dec 2015 11:30:29
O don't mind a good one

{Ed001's Note - is there such a thing?}

30 Dec 2015 17:07:28
When I'm made to see one ill let you know

{Ed001's Note - I bet you have seen them all.}

25 Dec 2015 10:28:49
I really want to see Deadpool after watching these two trailers (warning the second one has bad language as well as violence):

23 Dec 2015 22:15:15
Ed1 I know you like your martial arts stuff. What's your opinion on Jackie Chan? I know he's always been more on the comedy side but always found his films well choreographed.

{Ed001's Note - I love Jackie Chan, not all of his films work, but he is always good in them. You can see he was trained for the stage, as his facial expressions are over the top, so they can be seen from a distance, but it works really well in comedy, in particular. He is not the best at the martial arts side of things, Tony Jaa and a number of others, are ahead of him there, but he has his own style and it works.

Some of my favourite films of all time are the ones he did with Sammo Hung (another of my all time favourites) and Yuen Biao (also a fave of mine), they were brilliant. The chemistry those three have together is excellent, you could tell they knew each other well in real life. Everybody just wanted to be Bruce Lee until Jackie Chan came along, he changed martial arts movies.

Films like Wheels on Meals, Project A and some of those others he made are classic films. And now I am really in the mood to watch some of his old classic movies!}

24 Dec 2015 11:56:58
Yeah I was watching first strike last night. Great film. As you say he's not the greatest skills wise. But it does work and the scenes are so well choreographed it makes him look really good. The bit where he's fending off half a dozen guys with a step ladder.

Also have to mention jet Li and Donnie yen.

And the Korean dude who played storm shadow in gi Joe

25 Dec 2015 10:27:50
Donnie Yen is one of my all time favourites, criminally wasted in Blade 2

26 Dec 2015 10:32:19
Cant even remember him in blade 2

{Ed001's Note - he played the silent one with the sword but was completely wasted.}

26 Dec 2015 17:15:47
O yeah I got him now. To be honest I thought most of that group were wasted.

{Ed001's Note - I guess, though I have never been a fan of any of the others, so would rather they were wasted more to allow Donnie Yen more time to shine. I really dislike that Ron Perlman as an actor, he just doesn't make any character believable for me.}

26 Dec 2015 17:50:41
Yeah they all just seemed to be filler in the background to puff up Perlman. Which was a waste because you knew blade was always going to batter him.

{Ed001's Note - he has no charisma Perlman, he just has a good voice, but his acting and build look weak. You would expect him to get beaten by just about anyone. He doesn't seem at all threatening.}

26 Dec 2015 18:23:36
Especially against snipes.

{Ed001's Note - Snipes is very good at the physical side of acting, he does have a menacing look to him. He always seems capable of doing damage to someone like Jet Li does too. Whereas Perlman just has a big mouth and it feels like he is all talk. Mind it is not as bad a piece of casting as Cat out of Red Dwarf! What on earth was he doing in there??}

26 Dec 2015 18:44:20
Yeah snipes has a presence. He was perfect casting. Really comes across as a mean mother.

Jet Li well the guys a legend.

And yeah first time I saw it I was like pause go back no way it is cat. Talk about random casting.

{Ed001's Note - it was one of the most bizarre pieces of casting I have ever seen. He doesn't convince at all.}

27 Dec 2015 11:08:21
It does make me wonder how casting works. You see some bizarre choices all over place. People who just don't fit what the character is supposed to be. Or at least as the character was written.

{Ed001's Note - I am not sure casting actually does work!}

27 Dec 2015 12:04:09
It does sometimes. But sometimes it just really doesnt.

23 Dec 2015 14:59:13
If anyones into conspiracy films try 'Kill the messenger', pretty good film based on true events.

{Ed001's Note - is it recent? I have not heard of it to be honest, who is in it?}

23 Dec 2015 15:31:41
Its 2014 Ed I believe.
About a journalist called Gary Webb, you may remember he was found dead in his apartment, apparent suicide, shot in the back of the head. twice. Thtas all i'll say for now :-)

{Ed001's Note - I have never heard of him, that I can think of anyway, sorry. I will have a look for it though.}

23 Dec 2015 21:26:46
Try the conspiracy page.

24 Dec 2015 11:02:44
Was covered on there a while back Mort.

22 Dec 2015 22:28:23
Warriors a great film but was anyone else disappointed tom hardy didn't win?

23 Dec 2015 13:49:46
He had no need for the money himself where as Egerton's character did,and a lot more depended on it. Brilliant film though

{Ed001's Note - I do love that film.}

23 Dec 2015 14:26:43
I wasn't really a fan of egerton till then, his acting really stepped up a notch for that film. Nick Nolte was brilliant,Tom Hardy delivered his usual star performance. The choreography of the fight scenes was truly masterful. You couldn't really pick anything that didn't work for me. It's got SO much repeat watch value too,I've watched it atleast 12 times,and will happily plonk my arse on the sofa if it's on

{Ed001's Note - I have probably watched it that many times as well, and each time I enjoy it.}

23 Dec 2015 21:15:16
It is a great film.

I did find the edgerton story line a bit cliche though. Needs the money to save home and family so in desperation has to fight.

I thought hardy's arc was a little different.

24 Dec 2015 00:52:26
Hardys story reminded me somewhat of Floyd Mayweather. It wouldn't surprise me if they lifted it from his or some similar fighters background.broken family and joining the army. I would imagine a great many fighters have back stories such as that

24 Dec 2015 12:02:00
Yeah I imagine so. I just preferred his character though. He's actually battling his demons from his upbringing and what happened in the military. He's clearly got ptsd. Fighting for him is a release. Like when he brutally batters that mad dog guy.

His brothers just doing it because he's in debt. Its probably more worthwhile as he's doing it for his family but its just a bit same old.

Hardy's the one that despite everything is the one looking after their father. Even when he tells him to go get drunk he's there picking up the pieces the next morning. It was redeeming for both of them.

21 Dec 2015 22:56:25
Bet ed1 is looking forward to tarantinos latest.

{Ed001's Note - oh yes, almost as much as I look forward to my daughter bringing home her first serious boyfriend.}

22 Dec 2015 12:57:49
Haha o dear. So if he's an Everton supporting Tarantino fan he's doomed.

{Ed001's Note - it is very likely he is doomed to a trip to my mate's pig farm anyway.....}

22 Dec 2015 13:12:32
Start calling you brick top from now on

{Ed001's Note - that came from the Krays, they used to have a pig farm. I dated a woman whose dad was a part of their gang, no idea if the tales he told were true or not, but I wasn't going to show any signs of disbelief!}

22 Dec 2015 13:18:50
Well all good fiction is based on the truth.

{Ed001's Note - very true, the truth is stranger than fiction usually.}

21 Dec 2015 23:24:01
Just wondering with the year coming to an end andate all what everyone's favourite movie of the year was ?

Mine was straight Outta Compton.
Thought it was going to be terrible but I haven't enjoyed anything more all year.

21 Dec 2015 13:18:46
Just watched Terminator: Genisys, not bad actually. Best Terminator since the original one, but then I have not enjoyed any since that one.

23 Dec 2015 13:54:37
It got panned but I didn't think it was bad. I didn't like the Kyle rees actor though,very very bland. They did their best to re address a lot of issues from previous films.

Did you not enjoy judgement day Ed,that was my favourite

{Ed001's Note - it was just special effects and lacking a decent story. The first was the only one I enjoyed until now. I do agree on the Rees' actor, he was very poor, but that is often the way these days.}

23 Dec 2015 14:33:32
I can certainly see that side 001, I really just enjoyed the idea of the t-1000 such a menacing bad guy to come up against. And the obsolete model coming up against its replacement. The ending too :'( as arnie gives the thumbs up while lowering into the molten metal.

I watched it when I was pretty young,and it just struck something in me,I'm probably blind to it's shortcomings 20+ years on as it was my favourite film growing up

{Ed001's Note - all my mates loved it, but it just did nothing to me and the G'N'R soundtrack was not my thing either.}

21 Dec 2015 04:05:51
I see the film Beasts of No Nation has become the most watched movie on Netflix, in all the areas it has been released. It flopped at the cinemas, but is now becoming a hit.

Is that because the subject matter, it is about a warlord (played by Idris Elba) who uses child soldiers, is not the kind of thing that appeals to cinemagoers?

21 Dec 2015 18:21:43
I believe it only had a limited release in cinemas due to it being released on Netflix at the same time.

21 Dec 2015 21:17:45
Does sound a bit dark ed.

{Ed001's Note - true, not really date night material.}

21 Dec 2015 22:54:24
Unless she suggests it in which case girls got issues.

21 Dec 2015 04:01:55
I watched Absolutely Anything last night, not a bad film, good idea but lacked a little in the application of it.

Basically Simon Pegg is a teacher who hates his job and is trying to write a novel. He has a huge crush on the lady downstairs. Aliens are in orbit around the world and trying to decide if the Earth is worth saving. They give one random Earthling the power to do absolutely anything to see if humanity is worthy. Pegg's character gets chosen and doesn't know he has the power at first. I think the funniest bit is when he first uses his power. Decent film I thought, but then I liked the Cornetto Trilogy.

21 Dec 2015 10:22:10
Sounds like a Simon Pegg film ED
-unrequited love. check
-Dead end job wishing for better-check
-involving sci fi/aliens-check

Sounds good any way, I loved space,run fatboy run,was ok to sit down and watch,the only film I didn't enjoy was the worlds end.

{Ed001's Note - haven't seen Space or World's End yet. You are right though, it is almost a paint by numbers way of making comedy films with Pegg. He is better when he works with Frost.}

21 Dec 2015 16:12:40
Sounds like my life. Dead end job and crush on the woman who works downstairs whilst I'm trying to write a novel.

{Ed001's Note - and people laugh at you too! You are the real life Simon Pegg.}

21 Dec 2015 21:20:09
Might start advertising myself like that.

{Ed001's Note - people will just want to know who your Nick Frost is.}

21 Dec 2015 22:54:58
Well the spot is open.

20 Dec 2015 21:22:10
Going back to the good swordfights in films, have to say the Liam neeson/ Tim Roth fight in Rob Roy was pretty good. Good film all round.

21 Dec 2015 03:56:05
Really? I have not seen that film in a long time but I don't remember it having any redeeming features.

There was a recent film with Clive Owen and Morgan Freeman about knights, which had a lot of swordplay in it. I just can't remember what it was called or if there was one outstanding duel to put forward off the top of my head.

21 Dec 2015 10:27:52
Hector vs Achilles was a good sword fight scene and vs pertocles in troy.

Does segal vs tommy lee jones in undrsiege count,they were only knives but I still thought the sequence was good

{Ed001's Note - I really need to watch Troy again, I have only seen it once and it was a long time ago.}

21 Dec 2015 22:55:28
Its not a bad film ed.

{Ed001's Note - I remember it being ok and wondering why it got so panned by the critics, but I can't actually remember the film at all.}

19 Dec 2015 23:57:13
Anyone remember a 1980s toyline and cartoon called M.A.S.K? Apparently that's getting a film now.

{Ed007's Note - The name rings a bell

20 Dec 2015 07:57:59
Yep used to have some of the toys when i was a kid . A motorbike that turned into a helicopter and another even bigger helicopter that turned into a fighter jet . pretty cool toys but the makings of a mediocre movie it ain't .

{Ed001's Note - the cartoon was not very good but the toys were cool. I never had any myself, but was always jealous of the kids that did have them. The gullwing car that turned the gullwings into just wings is probably the most famous vehicle. Not so sure it will do any more than appeal to the nostalgia market.}

20 Dec 2015 12:22:48
The cartoon was ok ish but didn't think the franchise successful enough to merit this kind of interest . Now if they could make a Ulyses 31 movie then that might be worth a watch . But they won't .

{Ed001's Note - oh yes that was excellent!}

20 Dec 2015 16:49:48
Same with transformers and gi Joe though just tapping into nostalgia

{Ed001's Note - though I can't help loving Transformers because of that.}

20 Dec 2015 17:07:10
Yeah loved transformers as a kid. Just the films, especially the later ones, just felt like an excuse to make money out of nostalgia rather than entertain.

{Ed001's Note - they did but I still enjoyed them. I can't help getting dragged into them.}

20 Dec 2015 21:18:46
Haven't seen the last two.

19 Dec 2015 14:36:19
Just been to see Star Wars ep7. Enjoyed it but a bit of a reboot . Gone for safety instead of new ideas. Old enough to remember 1977 new hope movie which this one is trying to copy . Exciting though ✨✨.

21 Dec 2015 03:57:04
I don't know whether I am disappointed or not with it. After all the hype I was expecting it to be worse I think.

21 Dec 2015 23:25:47
I have not watched anything past the first (and brilliant ) 3 me and the missus are putting a day aside over the holiday to catch up .

19 Dec 2015 09:08:49
For anyone who fancies an alternative christmas film try trapped in paradise it stars nicholas cage John loving and dana carvey.
It was made in 1994 and tips the hat to some of the great old christmas movies .

It involves 3 brothers 2 of which have just been released from jail and nick as the 3rd brother trying to stay on the straight and narrow but the 2 bungling brothers have other plans .

Give it a go it's very funny and family friendly 😃

19 Dec 2015 09:16:01

19 Dec 2015 14:38:38
Deano seen it loads of times .So funny a hidden gem .

{Ed001's Note - I will have to have a look for that, never heard of it before.}

20 Dec 2015 07:59:54
Always like a bit of Christmas with the Kranks myself .

{Ed001's Note - another one I have never seen.}

20 Dec 2015 12:29:43
My wife and kids watch it every year , so over the past five years i have gradually watched it all and found it quite funny depite my original thoughts . Oh and Dan Ackroyd is in it .

21 Dec 2015 23:17:58
I almost turned it off after 10 mins groot the dana carvey character was making me want to rip my eyes out,but perseverance paid off for once it was fantastic! Kranks is one of my very favourite Xmas films it seems Tim Allen was created for the festive season also four Christmases is ace too OK for a bit more grown up christmas comedy ☺

18 Dec 2015 16:58:45
Just watched Maze Runner: Scorch Trials, well I say watched, it was on in the background as I never really got into it. Was just a zombie movie, a teen Dawn Of The Dead with added human enemies. Not a bad film, quite a bit of action, but just a set up for another film.

17 Dec 2015 13:46:55
Just been to see the new Star Wars movie and I am struggling to know what to say in a review without giving away any spoilers. It was enjoyable, but not great, as there were too many scenes that were just rehashes of scenes from the original movies. Even the plot was like a rehash of the originals. Actually it was almost a reboot, rather than a sequel.

17 Dec 2015 18:17:28
Going to see it tomorrow ed. People seem to be raving about it here in the UK. I think they'd do that even if it was shocking. I;m most worried about abrams use of lens flares,were they present?

{Ed001's Note - I can't really remember, I was too busy thinking how the film was basically living off bleeding in the old cast bit by bit to get a buzz every so often. The story was weak, it was a reboot of the original in all but name, and I was not impressed by the directing. I really do not get the deal with Abrams, the MI and Trek films he did were not good enough to deserve this film and it showed. Having said all that, the fact that it was the next step in the Star Wars saga and the reappearance of the old cast were enough to carry it and make it an enjoyable watch. Without the hype, it would have been a good film, but it is not a great one on first watch, too much of a copy of the old ones, rather than making a film in its own right.}

18 Dec 2015 18:57:58
Wow. They really did just re hash episode 4 didn't they.

{Ed001's Note - typical JJ Abrams, nothing original just copy what has worked for others.}

18 Dec 2015 19:25:46
I wanted to write more but don't see how I can without the plot being given away,don't want to spoil anything. we should re address this in the new year :-/

{Ed001's Note - I know, it is a nightmare trying to avoid spoilers.}

19 Dec 2015 13:12:40
Never rated Abrams. This film was always going to be massively hyped just because of the franchise. It could have been peter Mayhew reading the shipping forecast and it would have been hyped.

{Ed001's Note - good point.}

20 Dec 2015 08:17:19
I must say that i have never been overly enthused by much of Abrams work but i did enjoy M I 3 and the first Star Trek movie. The late Mr Hoffmans role as the sadistic arms dealer was especially well written .

16 Dec 2015 18:44:23
A new trailer for Gods Of Egypt:

15 Dec 2015 11:25:21
Point Break reboot trailer:

15 Dec 2015 12:41:38

Its already had one. Fast and the furious. Its a remake just cars instead of surfing.

19 Dec 2015 09:04:28
This is an abomination! Imo probably the best action film ever and another worthless reboot 😡

{Ed001's Note - best action film ever despite two of the worst actors in history being the leads? I have never understood the deal with Point Break, maybe because I always get bored and switch it off part way through? Does it get good at the end or something?}

19 Dec 2015 09:18:03
I dunno ed I absolutely love it if think I might have set myself up for a slamming here 😣

{Ed001's Note - lots of people love it, which is why I have got dragged into watching it many times, but each time it just bores me. I just do not get why people love it. I am sure it is more likely I will get pelters for not loving it, as it is very popular.}

19 Dec 2015 09:57:19
It really shouldn't work as you say the worst action stars in it,a write by numbers script and Gary busey.
But reeves does this occasionally look at John Wick I also think that is a stonking movie and he barely has any dialogue which I think helps.

If you want a real car crash you have to look no further than roadhouse swayze was absolutely ridiculous I almost burst my pancreas from laughing at the tai chi scene 😃

{Ed001's Note - that would be a great film if it had someone other than Swayze as the star.}

15 Dec 2015 11:23:59
Not impressed with this trailer for the new Star Trek film to be honest:

15 Dec 2015 12:43:09
Not Impressed with any of the new trek films. Creatively bankrupt.

{Ed001's Note - I never liked Trek anyway being fair.}

15 Dec 2015 13:45:20
I just think you've got a whole universe with 50 odd years of development an all they can do with it is retread the same ideas as 50 years ago rather than think of something new. Just chasing the dollars it seems.

It's also why I'm a bit apprehensive of star wars too.

15 Dec 2015 22:56:08
I'm a trekky,I liked the previous two,especially the first. They weren't left with any option but to reboot its. There was not tv series close to release they could link in enterprise finished in 08

DS9 was shocking,and they missed the boat by abut 15 years with voyager.

I thought the action and script of the 1st film was good, the second film was much much better than wrath of khan.

But I agree this looks like an attempt at a throw back where there isn't any space action just jim ploughing birds, some fisticuffs and a plot thrown in somewhere.

The franchise a whole missed a boat with voyager especially after the best film the franchise ever saw in first contact. Every trekky wanted to see Borg related films and the federation go against its mightiest foes,sadly they didnt' deliver and here was are almost a 1/4 of a century later with kirk punching alien races.

15 Dec 2015 23:51:24
Voyager was a missed opportunity all round and so was enterprise. It was just starting to take off and got cancelled. I like ds9.

Just think all that potential that's already set up should have been used better

14 Dec 2015 14:09:04
Odd trailer for high rise, it is more of an advert for the architecture company the baddie in the film runs:

14 Dec 2015 10:02:56
By the way bit of a bugbear of mine. Why have they released Creed in America on the 25th November,and not releasing it in Europe till 15th Jan?
Did they fear coming up against Spectre in the UK market,and then mocking Jay and starwars later on?
I really don't see the point in going and paying £10+ to see a movie that's been out 2 months and released on DVD in america 1 month after its released to UK cinemas.

Over all it feel like a real kick int he teeth asking premium price for a movie that's other continental release date was 2 months ago. I know I shouldn't say this,but I'll just download a copy from YIFY,this is another reason why people turn to downloads and streams.

I remember a few occassion when DVD's were released in America before the films debut in europe,it's an idiotic move and must cost them millions in revenue.

Just makes me bitter as a movie fan,treated like a muppet

{Ed001's Note - it was released over here last month as well, I never knew it had not been released in the UK yet.}

13 Dec 2015 23:53:44
Independence day 2 resurgence trailer has just been released. Looks like they've done to independence day what they did to starship troopers.

Not a fan of the first look.

14 Dec 2015 06:45:44
Looks terrible.

{Ed001's Note - I quite like it personally, but then I hated the original.}

12 Dec 2015 06:28:57
I just watched Draft Day, the thing I took from it is that I do not understand the drafting thing in US sports. Not a bad film like, but just not really sure what was happening.

12 Dec 2015 17:29:13
Isn't that where the team that does worst in the last season gets first pick of the best kids then end up selling them to big trams?

{Ed001's Note - not sure, they don't seem to work that way exactly judging by the NHL posts I have edited.}

12 Dec 2015 17:33:30
Think it varies slightly across the different sports. Seems an odd way to run things

{Ed001's Note - it should make it fairer.}

12 Dec 2015 17:38:33
I think that's the point. But then they end up getting traded don't they? I'm tempted to have a go with an American team on the new football manager.

{Ed001's Note - not always, usually teams want to keep the best picks to help the team long term. I know MLB can't trade draft picks anyway.}

12 Dec 2015 17:46:21
If that's baseball I don't know how they can sit through it.

{Ed001's Note - I find all the US sports hard work personally. They drag out an hour game to last about 18 hours. That might be a slight exaggeration.}

12 Dec 2015 17:54:42
Not far off. I don't mind basketball as at least its quick.

{Ed001's Note - to play I enjoy it, to watch it is just too stop start for me. I am not a 5 year old with ADHD, I don't need it to keep stopping every few seconds so I can get another burger.}

13 Dec 2015 00:15:40
Don't try to understand draft systems ed,it's not worth the overehaustion of your brain cells

{Ed007's Note - It's mind boggling stuff, Boba. When I'm tidying up the American sports pages all I check for is the names people use are real players, the rest of it might as well be written in a language Indiana Jones and Robert Langdon would need to work on.}

12 Dec 2015 21:16:06
Only so many burgers you can eat

{Ed001's Note - and yet Americans at sports games seem to manage to eat way over that limit!}

13 Dec 2015 09:26:42
True. You ever watch man vs food? He does a couple at the baseball and this one place was selling burgers but instead of buns they were using doughnuts.

{Ed001's Note - no, heard of it but never watched it.}

13 Dec 2015 10:16:53
Entertaining in its own way

{Ed001's Note - doesn't appeal to me, I have to say.}

13 Dec 2015 19:53:20
I had to do an essay on it for sports economics at university and competitive balance,i gave up after about 4 days of research 007.

I remember writing it was a completely flawed system,even though I only got about 10% of how it worked especially with new franchises which is when you need to be John Nash to work it out.

Draft day is a decent film though if you wan to burn through 100 minutes or so.It's far fetched in the last 10 minutes of trading with the 3 first round picks or whatever for a quarter back,I much preferred money ball,but it's an easy watch

{Ed007's Note - I think I'll just take your word for it and give it a miss :)

14 Dec 2015 06:50:10
As most have said the drafts are almost impossible to follow. Hence why the fantasy team is such a bigger thing across the pond and the designated organiser is held in such high esteem.

As far as I can tell I think hockey has the simplest system, with basketball being the most complicated.

To truly understand it seems you need a couple of degrees in linguistics and mathematics.

11 Dec 2015 16:07:09
New x men trailer is out.

I have my reservations. Apocalypse doesn't look menacing, hopefully his character and script will make him more menacing.

Generally not a fan of nicholas hoults, beast either. I think he's a terribly wooden actor.

11 Dec 2015 16:48:00
I don't know what to think of that either. It was ok, but something is missing. I don't like that Jennifer Lawrence as an actor either, she has been damn lucky to get good parts, as she is terribly wooden as well.

11 Dec 2015 19:31:12
Well at least he resembles the comic book character in that he's kinda blue looking but that's where the similarities end. He looks like a drizzly weedy little skid mark compared to his muscle bound tyrant overlord of Earth comic book counterpart. I hope this is him before roids.

11 Dec 2015 20:32:12
I agree ed001,NOT a fan of Lawrence in the slightest as an actress. Fassbender and Macavoy do well given the rest of the cast they work with. The only other stand out actor in this at the moment whom I recognise is Olivia Munn who will be playing 1 of the 4 horsemen,I really liked her in the newsroom.

I'm really about Apocalypse just being underwhelming,something about this trailer just feels off,it's hard to describe

12 Dec 2015 06:26:09
There is something very wrong about it, I agree, though it is difficult to figure out what it is. It just somehow feels wrong. The wrong actors doesn't help for me, I don't think any of them fit the characters they are playing.

12 Dec 2015 17:36:54
To be honest I've only seen a few Jennifer Lawrence films and she wasn't that bad. But then I don't think there's that many good actresses of that age around.

{Ed001's Note - I haven't seen one that she has been 'not bad'. She always seems wooden in everything, just a pout and shout.}

12 Dec 2015 17:41:46
Definitely more looks than talent. But can say that about most of Hollywood

{Ed001's Note - she does nothing for me in terms of looks, so I probably notice her lack of talent more.}

12 Dec 2015 17:48:07
And your a boob man as well.

{Ed001's Note - it is more that she looks fake, I mean I have the hugest crush on that Felicity Jones and she has no boobs. Still, I would watch anything with her in it.}

13 Dec 2015 09:27:08
Is she one in the Stephen hawking film?

{Ed001's Note - I think so.}

13 Dec 2015 19:57:33
I couldn't stand her in hunger games,silver linings,x men,or american hustle she isn't even close to a versatile actress and she just has average looks. The only thing she stands out in is her actual interviews where she's so down to earth and likes to have a laugh personality wise she seems spot on.

{Ed001's Note - shame she can't project that personality into her acting.}

13 Dec 2015 22:03:01
Yeah she's alright ed. Flick jones I mean.

I agree regards Lawrence. She's great in interviews. Great personality. Can be wooden in films.

14 Dec 2015 06:42:26
Don't get the hate toward this apocalypse. He looks the part of apocalypse before he gains all the alien tech and seems to have a number of the main powers apocalypse has, even though in the comics he seems to be able to do anything. Feel he will be more of a psychological tormentor of xavier and co for most the film until the horsemen turn on him.

As for Jennifer Lawrence, she is meh looking, standard actor who seems to have beem luckier than deserving in her castings.

19 Dec 2015 09:21:47
Didn't lawrence only get the mystique role because romjin stavos got pregnant ? I thought she was good in silver linings but aside from that she style over substance plus having her knockers hanging out at all times hasn't hurt her career 😃

11 Dec 2015 10:12:37
With the new release of the Tarzan film as ed001 noted below I mentioned I liked the score of the trailer.
Does any one have any favourite scores from films

I really like bridge of khazad dum from the 1st LOTR film when gandalf falls with the balrog.

Inception and Time is obviously brilliant

My favourite of all time though has to be the thin red line and journey to the line when they charge the barracks it went so beautifully with the scene and really immersed you in the action

{Ed001's Note - off the top of my head, I loved Straight Out Of Compton, but that is just because I love NWA. It would have to be something like Guardians of the Galaxy, as I don't really take much notice of soundtracks generally.}

11 Dec 2015 15:16:04
Lord of the rings in general, the sound track was one of the best things.

Last of the Mohicans from the 90s.

Transformers 1986.

The original casino Royale with the soundtrack done by burt Bacharach.

Some of the music from the dark knight trilogy.

The rock

Broken arrow.


The kingdom.

Star trek 2 the wrath of khan.

All the star wars films.

Schindlers list.

There's another I think I'm missing but I need to check my mp3s. That's just films with soundtracks done by composers rather than just a load of cool songs put together

11 Dec 2015 17:13:19
Flash Gordon and highlander too

11 Dec 2015 19:25:53
The Devils Rejects
Kill Bill

14 Dec 2015 06:44:54
most of the big epic ones seemed to have already been covered but true romance is probably my favourite.

19 Dec 2015 09:22:17
Cruel intentions .

11 Dec 2015 06:33:17
I have just seen this trailer:

It looks impressive, in an over the top CGI way, but not enticing. It has not made me think 'I want to see that film'. Instead I was just thinking how much money was spent on all those effects. Plus, Skarsgard is no Weismuller is he?

11 Dec 2015 10:09:29
I thought the trailer made it look pretty good,but seems well over the top with its use of CGI. I remember loving Tarzan films as a kid,but I've not watched them since I was about 5 or 6 I don't want to ruin the sort of childhood magic and memory of the film,which sometimes happens re watching them many years later.

Loved the background music to the trailer though.

{Ed001's Note - I just thought it looked more of a superhero movie than a Tarzan one. Tarzan was not meant to be a superhero.}

11 Dec 2015 15:17:37
To be fair ed. No one is weissmuller.

Tarzan is another that never seems to get a good film these days. Have you ever seen the one with Christopher Lambert ?

{Ed001's Note - yes, a long time ago, it was awful.}

11 Dec 2015 15:24:26
Yeah awful is about the best word. But then is Lambert.

{Ed001's Note - and yet the original Highlander is an excellent movie, or was at the time.}

11 Dec 2015 15:56:50
Highlander is the best he's ever done and its still a good film now. Everything else he did was crap.

{Ed001's Note - I haven't seen it for years, I was wondering as I typed that how it would hold up now. I will have to have a look for it.}

11 Dec 2015 16:19:27
Its been on itv a few times recently. Itv4 I think. Still holds up well. Even connerys wig. Shame about the sequels.

{Ed001's Note - it hasn't been on over here that I have noticed.}

11 Dec 2015 17:12:41
Trying to think what else he made.
Mortal kombat sucked.
There was one where he played a detective investigating bible based murders. Bit like the tv show messiah but not as good

{Ed001's Note - I don't remember him in Mortal Kombat. He did a few crappy films, cheap martial arts ones, but I can't remember their names as my mind has done its best to expunge all memory of them.}

13 Dec 2015 09:29:26
Yeah he was raiden in the first mortal combat.

The other film I was thinking of was resurrection. Very odd.

Did you know he has extreme myopia so when he's acting he's nearly blind as he can't wear his specs and for some reason doesn't do contact lenses.

{Ed001's Note - I can understand that, I can't wear contact lenses as my eyes water too much and they just fall out constantly.}

13 Dec 2015 10:18:18
Yeah I think its the same with him. I can understand too. The whole thought of fiddling around with those things.

{Ed001's Note - they are horrible. For me though, my eyes water constantly, which was really embarrassing as a child, I always used to get people thinking I was crying when it was just because it was windy or I was laughing, or I was tired. Almost anything has them watering. I tried disposable contacts to play footie in and had to give up as I went through the seven free trial lenses within the first few minutes of the match!}

13 Dec 2015 22:05:31
Nice. Would be entertaining on match of the day.

{Ed001's Note - I would not have thought it would be that entertaining to watch two sides all stood staring at the ground a number of times a game.}

10 Dec 2015 10:01:16
Worse than Ant Man 2 is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, which is coming out next season, sadly. As if the first wasn't bad enough. Maybe I am just getting old.

10 Dec 2015 13:00:20
Is that even still around? Its so 80s. Can't they invent something new for todays kids?

{Ed001's Note - they were waiting on you to come up with something new.}

10 Dec 2015 13:11:24
Adolescent mutant samurai hamsters?

{Ed001's Note - sounds like a winner to me.}

10 Dec 2015 13:14:05
I don't know how I think of them.

{Ed001's Note - it is like you plucked it out of nowhere.}

11 Dec 2015 15:17:49
I know. Its uncanny.

{Ed001's Note - you have missed your calling in life mate.}

11 Dec 2015 17:16:12
I know. Wasted.

{Ed001's Note - it is all that vodka, come and coke.}

10 Dec 2015 09:53:22
I see Ant Man 2 is set to stick with the writers who rewrote the original film as, and I quote, the original film worked so well. Is that a joke? Did they really say that and mean it, or was it a tongue in cheek attempt to be funny which failed, almost as badly as the gags in the original film?

11 Dec 2015 15:18:45
Is it really that bad? I've been in two minds to see it or not but if its that bad ill wait till its on tv rather than wasting a rental slot.

{Ed001's Note - I really did not enjoy the film. The only bits that worked were the slots were his mate told him a story. The rest was dross.}

14 Dec 2015 07:00:55
Have to say that it wasn't a great film but by no means is it the worst mcu film.

As for the second outing I can see some merit if they delve into the back story of Hank pyms and his wife; a continuation of the Scott Lang and hope pym story is doomed to failure as both can be one dimensional and wooden characters/actors.

As for plot points I can see an appearance of 'giant man' and wasp as the main focus with maybe a cross reference with some other superheroes.

09 Dec 2015 09:25:40
Have you ever watched a film and misheard a line in it, which completely changed a bit of the film? The latest Night At The Museum film was on TV in the background while I was editing and the kid in it was talking about what he wanted to do rather than go to uni. He said about wanting to go to Majorca to DJ but I misheard it as he wanted to go there and get a BJ. It really did alter the whole scene and make a complete change to its meaning!

09 Dec 2015 21:21:48
Well suppose he could do both.

Something on your mind ed?

{Ed001's Note - aye, I have often wanted to be a dj in Majorca......

09 Dec 2015 21:45:19
Well all the perks ed. Sun, sea and lots and lots of very cheap. Drinks.

{Ed001's Note - as in lots of cheap mugs of tea? Sounds perfect!}

10 Dec 2015 12:56:33
Probably quadruple vodkas

{Ed001's Note - you will have to have those for me.}

11 Dec 2015 15:19:42
O those days are long gone. Last Tim I was in Spain I had to remind the dude behind the bar that a vodka and come traditionally has coke in it.

{Ed001's Note - vodka and come? Oh how decadent life in Spain is. Not just come but coke in it! How the other half live!}

11 Dec 2015 15:58:35
Ha that'll teach me to read as I type

04 Dec 2015 12:40:24
Bit disappointed to find out Hulk is not going to be in Captain America: Civil War. I can understand the reasoning though, whichever side Hulk was on would win immediately.

04 Dec 2015 15:00:10
Is that the reason they gave ed? I knew they thought it was too many characters for the film (10 superheroes is it already?)and decided not to go with him. If they've come out and said he'd be overpowered it's understandable
The one thing I would say though,is if the hulk is undefeatable to every other superhero(I agree he'd wipe the floor with them) how did the hulk buster scene in avengers get aired where tony knocks out the Hulk at the end of the fight.Seems a bit of an afterthought/backtrack from that scene to me.

{Ed001's Note - the quote from the director in the piece I read said that was the reason for leaving him out. Isn't it 11, as there is one secret character being played by Martin Freeman?}

04 Dec 2015 16:22:31
And he's a crap character anyway

{Ed001's Note - Hulk? I quite like Hulk, it is Bruce Banner that bores me.}

04 Dec 2015 20:48:12
I find them both boring.

05 Dec 2015 13:20:51
Never saw the appeal of hulk.

{Ed001's Note - he is very intelligent compared to most of the people I have to deal with each day on these sites!}

05 Dec 2015 15:19:20
I always liked the hulk. Some mindless bashing is always fun. Plus his scene with loki in the avengers still is one of my favorite scenes in the entire franchise. It's iron man who i have always had a problem with

{Ed001's Note - I like that scene too Reet.}

06 Dec 2015 11:26:30
Just too one dimensional once he transforms

14 Dec 2015 07:17:13
Hulk isn't in the civil war arc as far as I can remember. Also I feel that there are a few of the already established heroes who would be able to take him out. Black widow and hulk buster as we saw in age of ultron, Thor would prob be a good shout, and then Antman would definitely be able to take him out.

Anyway his main absence will be due to the necessity of showing the humanity of the Heros and why they need their identities secret. I also think people will be shocked about the manner of how the film develops. I think it will be more of an espionage/spy thriller than a typical blockbuster.

In the comic run of civil war their are only a few 'major' battles and I can't think of any of the major established heroes who are involved. There is one decent battle between Thor and a number of people but can't we that scene happening. Could see lots of appearances from the tv world though, maybe a Jessica Jones, Nick cage, daredevil, inhumans and shield cameo during some of the 'undercover' meetings.

Anyway lots of possibilities for the film and an already decent roster of characters that mean I'm looking forward to this one more than most mcu outings.

03 Dec 2015 21:07:43
Star wars fans which do you consider the best lightsaber duel. in the 6 films so far?

{Ed007's Note - 1. Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan v Darth Maul from The Phantom Menace.
2. Obi Wan v Annakin in Revenge of the Sith.
3. Yoda Vs Count Dooku in Attack Of The Clones.

03 Dec 2015 21:47:51
All prequels there bond. Good ones though. I also liked qui gonn v maul on tatooine. Brief but good taste of what's to come.

{Ed007's Note - The improvement in technology obviously helped with them, Yoda was fantastic and it was kind of out of the blue, you know he was going to do something but I don't think anyone was expecting that.
I was disappointed that Darth Maul didn't have a more prominent role and was gutted when he was killed off, I think they missed a trick with him.
From the original 3 films I'd go with:
1. Luke v Vader at Bespin in Empire Strikes Back.
2. Luke v Vader at the Death Star from Return of the Jedi.
3. Vader v Obi-Wan from the A New Hope.}

03 Dec 2015 22:28:00
Yeah tech definitely helped. Problem I have with Yoda is it was a bit cheesy. Shuffles in on a stick looking 900 then hops about like a wee bairn before going back to the stick.

{Ed007's Note - That's just nitpicking :)

03 Dec 2015 23:06:38
That's an insensitive term. Its now headlice gathering/ collecting and redistribution. Headlice have feelings too.

{Ed007's Note - (facepalm)

04 Dec 2015 00:18:35
Bond that was sarcasm. Although given the way things are going.

{Ed007's Note - It was a decent attempt but you should be aiming higher.}

04 Dec 2015 11:26:32
It was late at night.

{Ed007's Note - I'll let you off with it then, just this once mind, next time it's a yellow card! }

04 Dec 2015 13:01:31
Quigon+obi wan vs darth Maul
Anakin vs Dooku onboard the ship rescuing the senator
Anakin vs Obi Wan in the lava pit

I was really disappointed in the confrontation of sideous by Mace Windu,Saesee Tin,Kit Fisto and Agen Kolar. I felt they had a real chance to show off the duelling and force power of the dark side here,but the sequence was just weak. I know sideous was using force scream (or whatever it was) when he roars and jumps,but without further explanation,the audience is just left wondering how 3 council members get wiped out in 4 sabre swipes. POOR

{Ed007's Note - No argument from me there, that was a poor fight and as you it was another chance wasted to show something special.}

04 Dec 2015 16:24:39
Yeah that could have been a classic. I could see him taking one down first swing in a bit of moment of surprise sort of thing. But 3 in seconds was poor. If the Jedi are that weak with their own specialist weapon then they deserve to lose.

04 Dec 2015 16:53:47
Yellow card for first offence. Harsh.

{Ed007's Note - It's tough at the top....

04 Dec 2015 23:46:44
No just more shoes to sniff

{Ed007's Note - Don't knock it till you try it!}

06 Dec 2015 21:04:35
Only if they're Scottish.

Favourite non star wars sword fights?

{Ed007's Note - I can't think of any memorable sword fights in films, I guess I must not be watching the right films.}

06 Dec 2015 21:50:26
I would have just pulled out a shotgun and blown them away, makes things a whole lot easier, no?

08 Dec 2015 19:47:43
The hitman scene was nice with the four bald dudes with the swords in the train

{Ed001's Note - that is a good one.}

09 Dec 2015 21:25:10
Yeah they all look at each other an 47 says how about dying with dignity and they all look at each other and pull swords from nowhere. Good film all round I know some panned it but I enjoyed it

{Ed001's Note - I like it too, watched it again just a couple of nights back when it was on here while I was waiting for the footie to kick off.}

09 Dec 2015 21:47:05
Just pure entertainment. Like the shoot up where he wipes out about a dozen geezers

{Ed001's Note - bit like Shoot 'Em Up in that respect, another film I love.}

03 Dec 2015 14:09:32

link to the new dawn of justice

I like the look of Affleck's batman.

Looks like doomsday is the main villain, after speculation of a clone of Zod.

Wonderwoman looks cool. (I hope Aquaman stays away for the time being)

Still unsold on Jessy Eisenberg as Luthor.

03 Dec 2015 17:50:53
ah that's who Eisenberg is meant to be - he does not do a good job of being a baddie but the rest looks damn good

04 Dec 2015 13:07:11
I liked him playing Zuckerburg in the social network,but am yet to be impressed with anything else.
It won't spoil the film for me though,I don't mind 1 bad casting as long as the writing action,cinematography is decent. Afflecks batman looks decent.Eisenberg just doesn't have that menace about him for me,and In that brief spot we saw,I thought the writing and delivery seemed weak already :-/
why would you introduce to people by name and say ''wow this is a good grip,you shoul not pick a fight with this person.''
who would say ''fight with this person'' in this scenario.!?!?!?

{Ed001's Note - I am hoping they deliberately included that scene to mislead, because it was a terrible attempt at a piece of comedy. I do agree though, a bad actor can be worked around, as the Dark Knight trilogy showed by its usage of Christian Bale.}

04 Dec 2015 23:53:33
You can get away with a bad actor as a hero in these films as like bale he was in costume a lot so it cut down a lot of scope for acting. But a villain especially one not in a costume has to stand out. There hadn't been a decent lex Luther since gene hackman and a lot of the time he was chewing scenary.

{Ed001's Note - Superman has never had a good film, so it is difficult for anyone to make a character work.}

06 Dec 2015 21:06:58
Another character I never cared much for. Too perfect. Too American. Too dull.

{Ed001's Note - very dull, I agree there.}

02 Dec 2015 15:37:50
I am less excited about the new Captain America movie now I know Ant Man is in it!

02 Dec 2015 21:25:45
Bit its only a small part.

{Ed001's Note - well he is ant sized mate.}

02 Dec 2015 22:05:10
Exactly. Bet he's avoiding spiderman

{Ed001's Note - hahaha good point.}

02 Dec 2015 15:34:52
I can't believe Mad Max: Fury Road is being put forward as a possibility of being the best movie of the year! It was so utterly average it can't be a serious contender.

14 Dec 2015 07:21:03
After reading a lot of reviews and the social media support it got I was really looking forward to checking it out. Was an entertaining way of killing a few hours but not worth the hype.

01 Dec 2015 04:15:30
Batman v Superman is being to get my interest now: