20 Feb 2016 04:56:40
With the Han Solo movie confirmed for 2018, after Rogue One and Star Wars 8, the question is will anyone still be looking forward to it by then? If SW7 is anything to go by, they will have killed off my interest. The Force Awakens was something I went into expecting to be disappointed, I knew it wasn't going to live up to my memories of the originals, however I was utterly wrong. It was like I was watching memories of the original trilogy cobbled together to make one really bad film. And it disappointed me even more than I expected. It has left me unsure of whether or not to bother with the rest. That is four in a row I have left the cinema wishing I had not bothered going to see them.

1.) 21 Feb 2016
20 Feb 2016 20:11:23
how can they do a ham solo film ir is it an origins story.

{Ed001's Note - no one knows yet, as they are very secretive, but it is believed they are searching for a younger actor to play him prior to Mos Eisley. The expected setting is between Episode III and Episode IV.}

2.) 21 Feb 2016
21 Feb 2016 16:08:17
Hmmm seems like a money making exercise to me. Not every story needs to be told. Some stuff is best left to the imagination.

{Ed001's Note - I think you can say that about every film ever made being fair, but in this case everything since the original trilogy is most definitely in that realm.}

3.) 21 Feb 2016
21 Feb 2016 22:51:04
Yeah of course studios want to see a profit on the product its like any business. But star wars is definitely just used as a cash cow. Its like making a film based on Aragorns journeys based on the bits in the appendices of lord of the rings. Totally unnecessary. Although if you read this Jackson I want 10% for the idea.

{Ed003's Note - I've often thought some films are now made simply to make a game as in for x box or play station(I don't have either) obviously not Star Wars as the 1 year hype for it and branding everything from meat in the supermarkets to yoghurts... I expect the same hype (advertising on social media aswell again) to carry on with this brand imo.}

4.) 24 Feb 2016
24 Feb 2016 15:36:20
As I said you don't have to tell every single story, especially in a universe like star wars. It was one of the worst things they did in the prequel trilogy. The whole o he built 3po or o boba is a clone. Not needed. Leave some things to the imagination.

{Ed001's Note - the C3PO and R2D2 stories were ridiculous. They made a real mess of that considering Kenobi never recognised them in A New Hope. Clearly it was just $$ talking, as no one doing it for the art of the story would have signed off on that crap.}

5.) 26 Feb 2016
26 Feb 2016 10:54:45
3po especially. You could have gotten away with an r2 cameo in phantom menace but having him as Anakins droid on his fighter throughout the clone war was lazy. Boba as a clone and picking up the helmet was poor as well.

{Ed001's Note - lazy is a good word for it. Clearly he just wanted an easy way to get Star Wars fans excited. Including favourite characters is a nice easy way to do it.}

6.) 26 Feb 2016
26 Feb 2016 12:28:13
It shows lack of imagination. Whole universe of stuff in which he could invent new characters. Ok he did invent a few, but no need to crow bar existing ones in. Or if you going to do it then something like the Chewbacca cameo in ROTS with Yoda. Has no impact on the storyline but a good nod to the originals. Rather than having the brat who becomes Vader building one droid and using the other. Its bad storytelling on one hand.

{Ed001's Note - ugh just having the brat in it was bad enough. Mind the new characters were no good, the whole thing was a mess.}

7.) 26 Feb 2016
26 Feb 2016 12:53:06
I like Liam neeson's. And sam Jackson wasn't too bad. The rest were either forgettable or just poor imitations of the originals. Like amidala an her wacky hairdos trying to evoke leias danish pastry style. As much as a Christopher lee fan as I am it felt like a peter Cushing tribute at times.

The whole thing with Anakin would have worked better if he'd been a moody stroppy teen to begin with. Would have made the romance better as when you watch it an figure out she's Lukes mum it just seems creepy. They tried to go for sympathy for Anakin by having a lovable cute kid but forgot that a) Anakin turns into a monster but we know he redeems himself so why do we need sympathy and b) the kid just cane across as unlikeable.

{Ed001's Note - I hated that kid. And I dislike Samuel L Jackson, he is an arse so it is difficult to like his characters. To be honest, I just really did not enjoy the prequels.}

8.) 26 Feb 2016
26 Feb 2016 13:16:47
Never had a problem with him. Windu more than anything shows how far the Jedi have fallen. His arrogance blinds him to the danger and you he's going to get his comeuppance. There was a lot of potential but it got tossed away with bad writing and bad casting.

{Ed001's Note - in real life the guy is an utter prick. When he was filming 51st State he was a bell and managed to make himself hated by all who had to deal with him in Liverpool. Proper diva.

When you put it like that, you are correct, but I just found myself thinking he was a prick and it was doing us a favour to get rid of him. You are right though, if it had been handled better it could have been as you say.}

9.) 26 Feb 2016
26 Feb 2016 13:32:29
Fair enough. i'd imagine most of Hollywood are like that. Too coddled. Like footballers

I have in my head my own vision of the prequels which is much better.

Its been awhile since I watched them but I'm sure Yoda pulls him and obi wan up a couple of times about they're attitude. Lucas couldn't mess with Yoda as he's a big cult hero because of empire an return and obi wans got enough of blaming himself for Anakin so Lucas had to create someone in between Yoda and obiwan to show the decline of the Jedi.

{Ed001's Note - Yoda is the only thing that makes them watchable for me.}

10.) 26 Feb 2016
26 Feb 2016 13:40:38
And even then he did his best to ruin Yoda. I hated the fight between him and dooku.

{Ed001's Note - I loved that Yoda fought, but I would rather he continued with his Samurai theme for the Jedi and researched what elderly Kendo experts did. They move less and control the opponents movement. There is footage of one particular special elderly man who used to be almost unbeatable until well into his 70s and it could have been used to design the style Yoda used.}

11.) 26 Feb 2016
26 Feb 2016 13:59:40
Yes totally agree with that. He comes shuffling in on his stick then his bouncing around like hyperactive kid on a skittles and sunny d binge. Before going back to a stick. Ok yeah blame the force.

{Ed001's Note - the power to destroy a planet is insignificant when compared to the power of the force. Remember who said that?}

12.) 26 Feb 2016
26 Feb 2016 14:23:15
Yes but still it looked a bit much.

{Ed001's Note - I know I was just testing your Star Wars knowledge.}

13.) 26 Feb 2016
26 Feb 2016 16:48:27
Do or do not there is no try.

{Ed001's Note - no, it wasn't Yoda.}

14.) 27 Feb 2016
27 Feb 2016 19:53:26
Darth Vader stated that ."Your lack of knowledge is disturbing Mort" take him away

{Ed001's Note - I will have to hide this thread from Ed007, he can't get over anyone not being as obsessed with Star Wars as he is.}

15.) 27 Feb 2016
27 Feb 2016 20:12:51
I went to a red carpet screening of A New Hope in 1977 aged 9. I have been a Star Wars nerd ever since. sorry.

{Ed007's Note - You jammy sod! I'd have loved that. Although I was only 3 in '77.}