29 May 2015 13:57:24
So what forthcoming films are people looking forward to?

For me it has to be the next Star Wars film, in the hope it will be a lot better than the prequels.

One that is out that I really want to see is Mad Max.

1.) 01 Jun 2015
Never been a massive fan of the Starwars series, nor Mad Max. I will most likely watch Mad Max though, as there seems to be quite a bit of hype about it. Starwars, nah. Unless my Starwars geek friend insists I see it, which means it would take something special.

{Ed001's Note - Ed007 is crying right now at the thought of someone saying Star Wars is not the greatest film ever.}

2.) 01 Jun 2015
In fear of getting lambasted but Star wars (all of them) were rubbish, just my opinion :-)
Looking forward to the Mad Max film.

{Ed001's Note - Ed007 will be crying if he sees this, I will have to make sure he sees....}

3.) 01 Jun 2015
Herbie, you are going to have to explain to me how Star Wars is rubbish. Now I might not love them as much as Ed007, but I definitely like them a lot and grew up on those movies. Just interested in why you don't like them

{Ed001's Note - I am the same as you, I grew up on the original trilogy and can not understand how anyone could not like them. It is hard to fathom. How old are you Herbie? Maybe you missed out because you came across them in the prequel era?}

4.) 01 Jun 2015
Ok, maybe a bit harsh calling them rubbish, just wanted to wind Bond up :-)
I was just never into the space style films, back in them days it was a good old 'cowboy n indian' OR black and white war movie.
Its just how I rolled.

{Ed001's Note - oh you are that old? I hated cowboy and indian films, always wanted the cowboys to lose but they never did. I loved the old black and white Harold Lloyd or Buster Keaton films or the Marx Brothers, Groucho was brilliant. Never really liked many war films, they are always so historically inaccurate it annoys me as I am very interested in military history.}

5.) 01 Jun 2015
My all time favourite movie was 'Zulu'.

{Ed001's Note - I do like that film, really good film.}

6.) 03 Jun 2015
I'm not entirely sure why I dislike Starwars to be fair. I love Sci-fi, I love the whole "pew pew" thing, I love the game Battlefront(so hyped for #3!) and there are many more aspects that should make me love this series, but I just don't like it. Lol.

Admittedly, it's easy to say why I don't like the new ones and it's the tedious characters like that f***ing idiot jaja binks.

But the previous episodes I've no clue why.

{Ed001's Note - if you are British and grew up in the 1980s then you might grow to hate it due to them being shown to death on TV. I think it is easy to end up either loving them or hating them just because they were shoved down people's throats.}

7.) 04 Jun 2015
I was born in 1989, so I didn't have that problem as such, I just never got into them lol.

{Ed001's Note - you missed them I think, came along too late. You have my sympathies for having such an empty life...... Just kidding. I do think you came along a bit too late though, they would have been old movies by the time you were there to watch.}

8.) 04 Jun 2015
Even then, I am still a massive fan of some 80s movies such as The Godfather. The era they were made makes no difference to me personally, but Starwars just never appealed to me.

9.) 10 Jun 2015
10 Jun 2015 13:23:15
Star wars is a cowboys and Indians film.


{Ed001's Note - what? Nooooo, it is a Samurai film, hence the Jedi, based on the way operas are done.}

10.) 10 Jun 2015
10 Jun 2015 13:33:03
Ah but one of the greatest westerns ever was based in a samurai film ed, so both work. Just in star wars the Indians win and the 7th cavalry lose.

I would say that star wars itself is more like a samurai film, with the ragged band heroes a condensed version of 7 samurai with hints towards magnificent 7.

The next 2 are a blend of western and samurai.


{Ed001's Note - George Lucas based it purely on Samurai and space operas of the 50s. Most Westerns were based on the old space operas as well, so similar roots, but it doesn't mean they are the same.}

11.) 10 Jun 2015
10 Jun 2015 13:43:08
Same root base though.

Any type of hero based drama is going to have similar themes.


{Ed001's Note - true, but the themes are very different. Westerns do not tend to be about freedom fighters overthrowing an oppressive regime, as that would not fit very well with American ideology about themselves.}

12.) 10 Jun 2015
10 Jun 2015 18:19:55
It does if you view it as subversive with the rebels as the Indians, no I get what you mean. Its just in certain characters like Han and lando I see a few western stereotypes.


{Ed001's Note - I am sure that Lucas probably did take a bit of that for some of the characters.}